
日時: 令和4年9月7日(水)18:00-19:30

開催方法: ZOOM による配信 ※ 要・事前登録

講師: Geneviève Almouzni, Ph.D.
CNRS Director, Team Leader
the Chromatin Dynamics team
Research center of Institut Curie, Paris, France

演題: Step into the dance of histone variants on chromatin

Chromatin organization in the nucleus of each cell provides a dynamic repertoire
of information,beyond that encoded genetically. How regulation of this
organization contributes to genome function and stability is a major challenge.
Thus, a central question is how chromatin organization is established,
propagated, maintained, and altered during normal development and in response
to environmental cues. To decipher the mechanisms controlling chromatin
dynamics, we have considered both the level of nucleosome formation and the
scale of higherorder organization in the nucleus. Our team has developed tools
and model systems (Xenopus, mouse) to combine biochemistry, cell biology,
developmental biology, epigenomics and advanced single molecule and single cell
technologies. Our recent work concerns key roles for chromatin dynamics,
histone variants and their chaperones.


幹事: クロマチン構造機能研究分野