
日 時:2023年5月25日(木)16:00-17:00
場 所: 東京⼤学定量⽣命科学研究所 ⽣命科学総合研究棟B棟301
講 師: Jean Hausser, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Molecular Life Science
Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology
Karolinska Institutet & Science for Life Laboratory
Stockholm, Sweden
演 題:
NIPMAP: niche-phenotype mapping of multiplex histology data by community ecology
要 旨:
Advances in multiplex histology allow surveying millions of cells, dozens of cell types, and
up to thousands of phenotypes within the spatial context of tissue sections. This leads to a
combinatorial challenge in (a) summarizing the cellular and phenotypic architecture of
tissues and (b) identifying phenotypes with interesting spatial architecture.
To address this, we combine ideas from community ecology and machine learning into
niche-phenotype mapping (NIPMAP). NIPMAP takes advantage of geometric constraints on
local cellular composition imposed by the niche structure of tissues in order to
automatically segment tissue sections into niches and their interfaces. Projecting
phenotypes on niches and their interfaces identifies previously-reported and novel spatiallydriven phenotypes, concisely summarizes the phenotypic architecture of tissues, and
reveals fundamental properties of tissue architecture.
NIPMAP is applicable to both protein and RNA multiplex histology of healthy and diseased
tissue. An open-source R/Python package implements NIPMAP.
幹 事︓分⼦免疫学研究分野
主 催︓東京⼤学定量⽣命科学研究所
後 援︓公益財団法⼈ 応⽤微⽣物学・分⼦細胞⽣物学研究奨励会