日時: 令和 3 年 6 月 21 日(月)10:00~11:00
開催方法: ZOOM による配信
※セミナー後(11:00~)には、ドライが苦手な実験生物学者向けに、Python ライブラリの matplotlib, seaborn, dabest などを使ったグラフ作成の基礎知識について紹介していただきます。お時間が許すようでしたら、そちらもご参加下さい。
講師: Hiroshi Sasaki, Postdoctoral Fellow
Wyss Institute, Harvard University
演題: Decode-PAINT enables quantitative super-resolution imaging of chromatin structure at the nanoscale
Super-resolution chromatin imaging techniques are emerging as powerful tools for
spatial genomics. However, it remains challenging to visualize the genome on the
order of tens of nanometers, a scale that can reveal rich structural detail about the
nuclear organization. Here we introduce Decode-PAINT, a multiplexed in situ
hybridization method, which leverages rapid diffraction-limited pre-decoding and
DNA points accumulation for imaging nanoscale topography (DNA-PAINT).
Decode-PAINT visualizes multiple discrete genomic regions at a resolution close to
the nucleosome scale with a simple and easy-to-implement optical setup, reduces
total imaging time by omitting multiple rounds of single-molecule recording, and
enables the interrogation of the nanoscale substructure of the targets. We
demonstrate our approach by probing nine regions of active and inactive X
chromosomes in individual cells. In short, Decode-PAINT accelerates in situ
structural genomics.
幹事: RNA 機能研究分野
主催: 東京大学定量生命科学研究所
後援: 公益財団法人 応用微生物学・分子細胞生物学研究奨励会