
⽇ 時 : 2023 年 6 ⽉ 9 ⽇(⾦)15:00 –16:30

場 所 : 東京⼤学定量⽣命科学研究所 ⽣命科学総合研究棟 B 棟 301

講 師: Makoto SAITO, Ph.D. Postdoctoral fellow
Feng Zhang Lab, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, United States

演 題:
RNA-guided DNA integration in human cells by CRISPR-associated transposase (CAST)

要 旨:
Genome engineering by CRISPR-Cas systems has revolutionized biomedical research.
Although diverse CRISPR-Cas genome editing tools are currently available, general methodology for programmable DNA integration in living cells has been a long-standing challenge.
Traditional Cas9-mediated approaches to insert DNA are limited by their reliance on cell-type specific endogenous DNA repair pathways.
Moreover, potential off-target double-strand breaks caused by Cas9 could result in unexpected mutations. Exploring the biological diversity of CRISPR-Cas systems, we recently identified CRISPR-associated transposase (CAST) systems. CAST systems have been shown to insert DNA at targeted loci in bacteria, but their activity in eukaryotic cells is limited.
In this seminar, I will discuss the basic biology of CAST systems and our approach to apply the systems for genome engineering in human cells.

参加登録URL : https://forms.office.com/r/QgGckhD8m3

共催:ERATO 胡桃坂クロマチンアトラスプロジェクト