日 時:2023年6月6日(火)10:00-11:30(JST)
開催方法: Zoom開催
講 師: Tatiana Kutateladze, Ph.D.
Department of Pharmacology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus,Aurora, CO, USA
演 題:
Molecular mechanisms of epigenetic regulation
要 旨:
Posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of histone proteins and covalent modifications of DNA are major components of the epigenetic machinery that regulates chromatin structure, gene transcription, and DNA replication and repair.
The PTMs alter direct interactions between histones and DNA and serve as docking sites for histone-binding domains, referred to as epigenetic effectors, or simply “readers” of PTMs.
Here, I will detail the molecular mechanisms and biological roles of the readers that select for methylated, acetylated, and unmodified histone H3 tails.
I will compare specificities and discuss the significance of crosstalk between PTMs and the consequence of combinatorial readout for the recruitment of these readers to chromatin.
参加登録URL : https://forms.office.com/r/izQ0QMxiek
主 催︓ERATO胡桃坂クロマチンアトラスプロジェクト
共 催︓東京大学定量生命科学研究所