

日  時:2023年7月31日(月)14:00-15:00
講  師: 潘建源(Chien-Yuan Pan)博士      Professor      Department of Life Science
                   National Taiwan University
演  題: The Effects of Neurotransmitter-induced Changes in Zn2+ Concentration Inside and      Outside the Cultured Neurons on Neurodegeneration.
場  所: 生命科学総合研究棟B 3階 301会議室

開催方法: 対面(※事前参加申し込みをお願いします)


Dear all,
Here is an invitation to an IQB seminar held by the Laboratory of Genome Structure and Function.
For details, please see the below and the attached PDF. Registration is necessary to attend.General Affairs Team


<IQB Seminar>
Title:The Effects of Neurotransmitter-induced Changes in Zn2+ Concentration Inside and     Outside the Cultured Neurons on Neurodegeneration.
by  Dr. Chien-Yuan Pan (National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.)
Date & Time:Jul 31th, 2023 (Mon) 14:00 – 15:00

Place : Life Science Research Building B, 3rd floor, 301
To attend, please register from here.