日 時:2023年10月12日(木)10:00-11:30(JST)
開催方法: Zoom開催
講 師:Lu GAN, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
演 題:
Molecular insights from in-situ cryo-ET studies of eukaryotic chromatin
要 旨:
The genome is stored in chromatin, which is assembled from chains of basic units called nucleosomes. Each nucleosome has eight histone proteins wrapped by 145 – 147 base pairs of DNA and resembles a 10-nm-wide, 6-nm-thick cylinder. Chromatin has been intensively studied in vitro, but little is known of its in situ structure at the nucleosome level. We have taken advantage of cryo-FIB milling, cryo-ET, and classification, and remapping to study the structure of chromatin in yeasts and human cells. I will discuss our latest findings (links below), which range from “controversial” ones in yeast to “expected” ones in human cells. Our work, along with those of other labs, show that cells have diverse ways to shape chromatin at the nucleosome, dinucleosome, and oligonucleosome level.
参加登録URL : https://forms.office.com/r/HZ5cc4dUsU
主 催︓ERATO胡桃坂クロマチンアトラスプロジェクト
共 催︓東京大学定量生命科学研究所