How to get started

How to visit Sweden as an academic

  1. Find a group at the Karolinska Institutet that you want to collaborate with, either at Participating Groups to this programme, or any groups at Karolinska Institutet.
  2. Reach out to one of the UTokyo-KI LINK contact persons who will help with the initial contact and give you further information on how to proceed.

For information on obtaining a visa and other necessary procedures, please refer to the following websites

Resi­dence permits for rese­ar­chersMigrationsverket
Employing a rese­ar­cherMigrationsverket
Visi­ting SwedenMigrationsverket
Checklist for administration of international staffKarolinska Institutet
Studying in higher educa­tionMigrationsverket
*Links are external links.

General information about Sweden