
Here is a list of grant/funding programs that you might be eligible when you are joining UTokyo-KI LINK. For the latest information and details, please see the websites listed below.

OrganizationName of grantWho can applly?
*Involvement of Japan could be temporal!
・Scientific Exchange Grants
・Core Facility Fellowships
Swedish and Japanese scientists
JSPS website in Sweden
JSPS International Fellowships for Research in Japan
・Summer Program
・Postdoctoral Fellowphip Short/Standard Program
・Invitational Fellowship Short/Long-term
Students and researchers in Sweden
STINT・STINT International Postdoc
・Teaching Sabbatical
・External programmes
Swedish scientists
MIRAI 2.0Joint seed funding of Japan-Sweden collaborative projects and short coursesSwedish and Japanese Scientists
Other Japanese organizatione-GRANTMainly for Japanese scientists.
Other Swedish organizationList of Swedish and Nordic External Funding SourcesMainly for Swedish scientists.

*Links are external links.