● Selected publications
Concept cells and social memory: the abstract representation of familiar individuals.
Teruhiro Okuyama
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 25(11) 710-710 (2024)
Cerebral Oxygen Monitoring in Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infants Using Time-Domain Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Transmittance Mode.
Hiroaki Suzuki, Toshiyuki Imanishi, Norihiro Suzuki, Teruhiro Okuyama, Shu Homma, Kenji Yoshimoto, Tomomi Iida, Tetsuya Mimura, Hiroko Wada, Etsuko Ohmae, Masaki Shimizu, Yukio Ueda
Advances in experimental medicine and biology 1463 221-226 (2024)
● Sexual representation of social memory in the ventral CA1 neurons.
Akiyuki Watarai*, Kentaro Tao*, Teruhiro Okuyama
(*equal contribution)
bioRxiv (2024)
● The ventral hippocampus and nucleus accumbens underlie long-term social memory about female conspecifics in male mice.
Akiyuki Watarai*, Kiyoshi Ishida*, Teruhiro Okuyama
(*equal contribution)
bioRxiv (2024)
● Conditional knockout of Shank3 in the ventral CA1 by quantitative in vivo genome-editing impairs social memory in mice.
Myung Chung, Katsutoshi Imanaka, Ziyan Huang, Akiyuki Watarai, Mu-Yun Wang, Kentaro Tao, Hirotaka Ejima, Tomomi Aida, Guoping Feng, Teruhiro Okuyama
Nature Communications 15:4531(2024)
● Ventromedial prefrontal neurons represent self-states shaped by vicarious fear in male mice.
Ziyan Huang*, Myung Chung*, Kentaro Tao, Akiyuki Watarai, Mu-Yun Wang, Hiroh Ito, Teruhiro Okuyama
(*equal contribution)
Nature Communications 14:3458 (2023)
● Disrupted social memory ensembles in the ventral hippocampus underlie social amnesia in autism-associated Shank3 mutant mice.
Kentaro Tao, Myung Chung, Akiyuki Watarai, Ziyan Huang, Mu-Yun Wang, Teruhiro Okuyama
Molecular Psychiatry 27(4) 2095-2105 (2022)
Distinct functions of ventral CA1 and dorsal CA2 in social memory
Akiyuki Watarai, Kentaro Tao, Mu-Yun Wang, Teruhiro Okuyama
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 68 29-35 (2021)
Diverse sensory cues for individual recognition.
Myung Chung, Mu-Yun Wang, Ziyan Huang, Teruhiro Okuyama
Development, growth & differentiation 62(9) 507-515 (2020)
Sexually dimorphic role of oxytocin in medaka mate choice.
Saori Yokoi, Kiyoshi Naruse, Yasuhiro Kamei, Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita, Mari Mito, Shintaro Iwasaki, Shuntaro Inoue, Teruhiro Okuyama, Shinichi Nakagawa, Larry J Young, Hideaki Takeuchi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U S A 117(9) 4802-4808 (2020)
The blockade of oxytocin receptors in the paraventricular thalamus reduces maternal crouching behavior over pups in lactating mice.
Akiyuki Watarai, Satoko Tsutaki, Katsuhiko Nishimori, Teruhiro Okuyama, Kazutaka Mogi, Takefumi Kikusui
Neuroscience letters 720 134761-134761 (2020)
Social Memory in Mice
Locus coeruleus input to hippocampal CA3 drives single-trial learning of a novel context.
Wagatsuma A, Okuyama T, Sun C, Smith LM, Abe K, Tonegawa S
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of U S A 115(2) E310-E316 (2018)
Tagging activated neurons with light.
Roy DS, Okuyama T, Tonegawa S
Nature biotechnology 35(9) 827-828 (2017)
Distinct Neural Circuits for the Formation and Retrieval of Episodic Memories.
Roy DS, Kitamura T, Okuyama T, Ogawa SK, Sun C, Obata Y, Yoshiki A, Tonegawa S
Cell 170(5) 1000-1012.e19 (2017)
Social memory engram in the hippocampus.
Okuyama T
Neuroscience research (2017)
Engrams and circuits crucial for systems consolidation of a memory.
Kitamura T, Ogawa SK, Roy DS, Okuyama T, Morrissey MD, Smith LM, Redondo RL, Tonegawa S
Science 356(6333) 73-78 (2017)
● Ventral CA1 neurons store social memory.
Okuyama T, Kitamura T, Roy DS, Itohara S, Tonegawa S
Science 353(6307) 1536-1541 (2016)
Mating Preference in Medaka fish
Molecular basis of social competence in medaka fish.
Okuyama T*, Yokoi S*, Takeuchi H
(*; equal contribution)
Development, growth & differentiation 59(4) 211-218 (2017)
Mate-guarding behavior enhances male reproductive success via familiarization with mating partners in medaka fish.
Yokoi S, Ansai S, Kinoshita M, Naruse K, Kamei Y, Young LJ, Okuyama T, Takeuchi H
Frontiers in zoology 13 21 (2016)
An Essential Role of the Arginine Vasotocin System in Mate-Guarding Behaviors in Triadic Relationships of Medaka Fish (Oryzias latipes).
Yokoi S, Okuyama T, Kamei Y, Naruse K, Taniguchi Y, Ansai S, Kinoshita M, Young LJ, Takemori N, Kubo T, Takeuchi H
PLoS genetics 11 e1005009 (2015)
● A neural mechanism underlying mating preferences for familiar individuals in medaka fish.
Okuyama T, Yokoi S, Abe H, Isoe Y, Suehiro Y, Imada H, Tanaka M, Kawasaki T, Yuba S, Taniguchi Y, Kamei Y, Okubo K, Shimada A, Naruse K, Takeda H, Oka Y, Kubo T, Takeuchi H
Science 343 91-94 (2014)
Genetic control of startle behavior in medaka fish.
Tsuboko S, Kimura T, Shinya M, Suehiro Y, Okuyama T, Shimada A, Takeda H, Naruse K, Kubo T, Takeuchi H
PloS one 9 e112527 (2014)
Controlled Cre/loxP Site-Specific Recombination in the Developing Brain in Medaka Fish, Oryzias latipes.
Okuyama T, Isoe Y, Hoki M, Suehiro Y, Yamagishi G, Naruse K, Kinoshita M, Kamei Y, Shimizu A, Kubo T, Takeuchi H
PloS one 8 e66597 (2013)
p53 Mutation suppresses adult neurogenesis in medaka fish (Oryzias latipes).
Isoe Y, Okuyama T, Taniguchi Y, Kubo T, Takeuchi H
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 423(4) 627-631 (2012)
Induction of c-fos transcription in the medaka brain (Oryzias latipes) in response to mating stimuli.
Okuyama T, Suehiro Y, Imada H, Shimada A, Naruse K, Takeda H, Kubo T, Takeuchi H
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 404(1) 453-457 (2010)
Transient and permanent gene transfer into the brain of the teleost fish medaka (Oryzias latipes) using human adenovirus and the Cre-loxP system.
Suehiro Y, Kinoshita M, Okuyama T, Shimada A, Naruse K, Takeda H, Kubo T, Hashimoto M, Takeuchi H
FEBS letters 584(16) 3545-3549 (2010)
Coordinated and cohesive movement of two small conspecific fish induced by eliciting a simultaneous optomotor response.
Imada H, Hoki M, Suehiro Y, Okuyama T, Kurabayashi D, Shimada A, Naruse K, Takeda H, Kubo T, Takeuchi H
PloS one 5(6) e11248 (2010)
Proliferation zones in adult medaka (Oryzias latipes) brain.
Kuroyanagi Y*, Okuyama T*, Suehiro Y, Imada H, Shimada A, Naruse K, Takeda H, Kubo T, Takeuchi H
(*; equal contribution)
Brain research 1323 33-40 (2010)
Mass spectrometric map of neuropeptide expression and analysis of the gamma-prepro-tachykinin gene expression in the medaka (Oryzias latipes) brain.
Suehiro Y, Yasuda A, Okuyama T, Imada H, Kuroyanagi Y, Kubo T, Takeuchi H
General and comparative endocrinology 161(1) 138-145 (2009)